Bachelor’s Honors Program


Students who have an interest in academic research


  1. Overall academic performance each semester before applying: GPA 3.3
  2. Completion of the following Department courses:
    1. Microeconomics (1) & (2)
    1. Macroeconomics (1) & (2)
    1. Statistics with Recitation
    1. Introductory Econometrics with Recitation
  3. Reach an average GPA of at least 3.3 for the above courses.


Open time:

July 15 or December 15 each year

Required documents:

  1. Application form
  2. Academic transcripts of each semester

Course Listing:

Complete 4 credits of Bachelor thesis training:

  1. 303 40101 Thesis (1): 2 credits
  2. 303 40102 Thesis (2): 2 credits

Complete 12 credits from the following:

  • Microeconomics Theory (I) *M 個體經濟理論一, 4 credits
  • Macroeconomics Theory (I) *M 總體經濟理論一, 4 credits
  • Econometric Theory (I) *M 計量經濟理論一, 4 credits
  • Introduction to Mathematical Analysis (I) & (II) 分析導論一二, 5 credits each or Advanced Calculus (I) & (II) 高等微積分一二, 4 credits each
  • Linear Algebra (I) & (II) 線性代數一二, 4 credits or Introduction to Linear Algebra (I) & (II) 線性代數導論一二, 4 credits each
  • Theory of Statistics (I) & (II) 統計理論一, 3 credits

Completion Criteria:

  1. GPA of 3.7 in Program courses
  2. GPA of 3.3 in overall academic performance
  3. Complete an undergraduate thesis, and present it in a seminar course
  4. Applications submitted for review by October 31 for the first semester or March 31 for the second semester, and no later than the final academic year before graduation.

Upon completion, be awarded with “Bachelor’s Degree with Honors”, marked on degree certificate, transcripts and related documents