Undergraduate Study

*see upper drop-down Menu for a complet Curriculum Catalog

(Enrolled in 2023 and after)

Type YearCourse TitleCredits
I. General Education Required Courses Liberal Education Courses 15
English & Foreign Languages(3,3)
  Total: 27 Credits
II. Required CoursesFreshmanPrinciple of Microeconomics (with Recitation) &
Principle of Macroeconomics (with Recitation)
Calculus 1.2.3  &
Calculus 4 (Applications in Economics and Management) 
Statistics with Recitation
Introductory Econometrics with Recitation
 Total: 36 Credits
III. Required Elective Courses (of the Department) Elective courses of the department with serial numbers starting with 303、323
*Including Accounting Principles (1) (2), Outline of Civil Code (a) (b), & Commercial Law
30 crecits
IV. General Elective Courses Other elective coursesTotal:
35 credits
Graduation Threshold 128 Credits
Credits not calculated into credits require for graduation Online English Program (I) (II)(0,0)
 Physical Education (I) (II) (III)(IV)4
 Student Service Education (I) (II)2

(Enrolled in 2020 and after)

Type YearCourse TitleCredits
I. General Education Required Courses Liberal Education Courses15
English & Foreign Languages(3,3)
  Total: 27 Credits
II. Required CoursesFreshmanPrinciple of Microeconomics (with Recitation) &
Principle of Macroeconomics (with Recitation)
Calculus 1.2.3 (4)(2,2,2) (2)
Statistics with Recitation
Introductory Econometrics with Recitation
 Total: 34 Credits
III. Required Elective Courses (of the Department) Elective courses of the department with serial numbers starting with 303、323
*Including Accounting Principles (1) (2), Outline of Civil Code (a) (b), & Commercial Law
32 crecits
IV. General Elective Courses Other elective coursesTotal:
35 credits
Graduation Threshold 128 Credits
Credits not calculated into credits require for graduation Online English Program (I) (II)(0,0)
 Physical Education (I) (II) (III)(IV)4
 Student Service Education (I) (II)2

(Enrolled in 2019)

Type YearCourse TitleCredits
General Education Required Courses Liberal Education Courses115
English & Foreign Language(3,3)
  Total: 27 Credits
Required CoursesFreshmanPrinciple of Microeconomics (with Recitation) &
Principle of Macroeconomics (with Recitation)
Calculus 1.2.3 (4)(2,2,2) (2)
Statistics with Recitation
Introductory Econometrics with Recitation
JuniorGeneral Principles on Commercial Law and Corporation(3,3)
 Total: 40 Credits
Required Elective Courses (of the Department) Elective courses of the department with serial numbers starting with 303、323
*Including Accounting Principles (1) (2), Outline of Civil Code (a) (b), & Commercial Law
26 credits
General Elective Courses Other elective coursesTotal:
35 credits
Graduation Threshold 128 Credits
Credits not calculated into credits require for graduation Online English Program (I) (II)(0,0)
 Physical Education (I) (II) (III)(IV)4
 Student Service Education (I) (II)2

(Enrolled in 2018)

Type YearCourse TitleCredits
General Education Required Courses Liberal Education Courses15
English & Foreign Language(3,3)
  Total: 27 Credits
Required CoursesFreshmanPrinciple of Microeconomics (with Recitation) &
Principle of Macroeconomics (with Recitation)
Calculus 1.2.3 (4)(2,2,2) (2)
Statistics with Recitation
Introductory Econometrics with Recitation
JuniorGeneral Principles on Commercial Law and Corporation(3,3)
 Total: 40 Credits
Required Elective Courses (of the Department) Elective courses of the department with serial numbers starting with 303、323
*Including Accounting Principles (1) (2), Outline of Civil Code (a) (b), & Commercial Law
26 credits
General Elective Courses Other elective coursesTotal:
35 credits
Graduation Threshold 128 Credits
Credits not calculated into credits require for graduation Online English Program (I) (II)(0,0)
 Physical Education (I) (II) (III)(IV)4
 Student Service Education (I) (II) (III)3

In order to provide students with more options to choose courses, our department has designed a new curriculum from 2010. Changes include decreasing the credits of required courses, and increasing the credits of elective courses. The chart below is a suggested course program for students who have interests in particular fields. This chart is only for reference, and does not have actual sanction.

Financial EconomicsMathematical EconomicsPolicy Analysis
Core CurriculumCreditsCore CurriculumCreditsCore CurriculumCredits
Investment Theory3Advanced Calculus (I) (II)8Public Finance (I) (II)4
Financial Management3Linear Algebra (I) (II)6Money and Banking (I) (II)4
Finance Economics2Advanced Statistical Inference (I) (II)6Economic Development4
Industrial Economics3  Economic Policy Application(or Tax Theory and Policy 
Or Economics of Regulation)
Managerial Economics3Mathematics for Economics (or Game Theory)3(or2)Econometrics4
Basic Computer Concept (or  Econometrics)3(or4)Econometrics (or Computer Programming)4(or3)Trade Theory3
Intermediate Accounting (I) (II)6  Trade Policy2
Case Study of Financial Management (or Financial Statements Analysis)3  International Finance3
  1. Explanation and common questions related to the required course “Chinese” and general education credits, please click here. There is no restriction on which foreign language to take to fulfill the “English and Foreign Language” requirement, but the courses taken must be in the same language. For instance, if Japanese 1 is taken, then Japanese 2 must be taken as well. Taking courses in different languages, such as Japanese 1 and German 2, will not fulfill this requirement.
  2. Students in the Department of Economics are required to take the course “Principle of Micro/Macroeconomics (with recitation)” offered by the department. It cannot be replaced by other economics-related courses (e.g. Economics 1 and Economics 2). Taking additional economic courses with similar names or contents will be considered redundant.
  3. Except for Accounting (a), Outline of Civil Code (B), General Principles on Commercial Law and Corporation, and specific courses (please refer to the required courses of each department), only courses offered by the Department of Economics (i.e. those with ECON course codes) can be counted as Required Elective Courses of the Department. Other courses are considered General Elective Course credits. Excess credits of Required Elective Courses of the Department will be counted as General Elective Course credits. Please refer to the course inquiry of each department for other related regulations.
  4. For calculus courses, it is necessary to complete the full series (Calculus A and B, or Calculus 1-4). Do not take Calculus A and B interchangeably. Do not repeat Calculus A and B. If both Calculus A and B have been completed, only Calculus A will be counted (6 credits will be used to replace Calculus B, and 2 credits will be counted as General Elective Course credits). If all Calculus 1-4 courses have been completed, Calculus 1-3 will be counted as required credits and Calculus 4 will be counted as General Elective Course credits.

Service Learning


  1. Service learning 1 is restrained to the courses opened by our department; however, service learning 2&3 are open to students to take “Service learning course executive group”, plan to do on-campus non-professional service and student clubs’ off-campus service. Transferred students who have finished the courses are not included in this region.
  2. Students from economics department can only take one service learning per semester (choose from service learning 1,2&3), expected graduate students can otherwise take more than one. (above senior)
  3. The service learning course must be pre-added at CEIBA and fill in the service terms before deadline. If you don’t register the course successfully but finish the work, the service can’t be retained till the next semester.
  4. Please download the service learning record form after filling the terms and carefully keep it until the end of the semester for grade registration. (If you lose it, we will not supply the stamps again)

Take the course at CEIBA –>Fill in the service terms at economics website –> Download the record form and finish the work on time –>Hand in the record form and upload your experience on CEIBA

Contention of Service Learning

  • To maintain department of economics and surrounding public area clean and nice, or to assist related instrumental works, your service length is 8 hours (8 times). The items include clearance of surrounding area around the office, maintenance of Social Science building, recycling, handout processing, alumni news, affairs of economics thesis, and the like.
  • Off-campus service (107/7/1~108/1/5), time length must be at least 8 hours and the certification is needed from the service organization.
  • Serve as the cadre of student association, captain of sport team, staff member of economics camp can substitute the service learning course.

*Above service terms can only choose one to substitute, for example, cadre of student association and staff of economics camp can only choose between to substitute ONE service learning, you cannot substitute for two service learning courses.
*Except for the special marked ones, each service terms can substitute one service learning courses.

107-1 service learning terms

cycling A (107/9/25~107/11/16 1/per week)2Pick one period of time and come to the office every week.
Recycling B(10711/19~108/1/4 1/per week)2Pick one period of time and come to the office every week.
Clearance of Social Science building A1
(107/9/25~107/11/16 every Monday)
10Lunch time 12:30~13:10am
Clearance of Social Science building B1
(107/9/25~107/11/16 every Tuesday)
10Lunch time 12:30~13:10am
Clearance of Social Science building C1
(107/9/25~107/11/16 every Wednesday)
10Lunch time 12:30~13:10am
Clearance of Social Science building D1
(107/9/25~107/11/16 every Thursday)
10Lunch time 12:30~13:10am
Clearance of Social Science building E1
(107/9/25~107/11/16 every Friday)
10Lunch time 12:30~13:10am
Clearance of Social Science building A2
(107/11/19~108/1/4 every Monday)
10Lunch time 12:30~13:10am
Clearance of Social Science building B2
(107/11/19~108/1/4 every Tuesday)
10Lunch time 12:30~13:10am
Clearance of Social Science building C2
(107/11/19~108/1/4 every Wednesday)
10Lunch time 12:30~13:10am
Clearance of Social Science building D2
(107/11/19~108/1/4 every Thursday)
10Lunch time 12:30~13:10am
Clearance of Social Science building E2
(107/11/19~108/1/4 every Friday)
10Lunch time 12:30~13:10am
Staff for teacher parents conference A(9/2 Sun.)39/2(Sun.) 8:30~11:30am, restricted to sophomore or above
Staff for teacher parents conference B(9/2 Sun,)29/2(Sun.) 9~12am, restricted to sophomore or above
NEW! Staff for Social Science Library20Books on shelves, arrangements and environmental maintenance
Staff for EAEA3310/27,10/28(with English communicative ability) restricted to sophomore or above
Staff for TEAEA30Middle of December, restricted to sophomore or above
Economics series of thesis12 
Alumni News12About the end of November or the beginning of December
School anniversary celebration ceremony2211/15 8~12am
Closing ceremony of sports competition2011/17, 11/18
Handouts arrangement A(107.9.17~108.1.4 before Wed.)3Not every week. Take and bind the handouts at office of academic affairs
Handouts arrangement A(107.9.17~108.1.4 Thurs. or Fri.)2Not every week. Take and bind the handouts at office of academic affairs
Team leader of clearance in Social Science Building A1(107.9.25~107.11.16, every Monday)1Restricted to junior students, at lunchtime 12:30~13:00 responsible for supervising and roll-calling.
Team leader of clearance in Social Science Building A1(107.9.25~107.11.16, every Tuesday)1Restricted to junior students, at lunchtime 12:30~13:00 responsible for supervising and roll-calling
Team leader of clearance in Social Science Building A1(107.9.25~107.11.16, every Wednesday)1Restricted to junior students, at lunchtime 12:30~13:00 responsible for supervising and roll-calling
Team leader of clearance in Social Science Building A1(107.9.25~107.11.16, every Thursday)1Restricted to junior students, at lunchtime 12:30~13:00 responsible for supervising and roll-calling
Team leader of clearance in Social Science Building A1(107.9.25~107.11.16, every Friday)1Restricted to junior students, at lunchtime 12:30~13:00 responsible for supervising and roll-calling
Team leader of clearance in Social Science Building A1(107.11.19~108.1.4, every Monday)1Restricted to junior students, at lunchtime 12:30~13:00 responsible for supervising and roll-calling
Team leader of clearance in Social Science Building A1(107.11.19~108.1.4, every Tuesday)1Restricted to junior students, at lunchtime 12:30~13:00 responsible for supervising and roll-calling
Team leader of clearance in Social Science Building A1(107.11.19~108.1.4, every Wednesday)1Restricted to junior students, at lunchtime 12:30~13:00 responsible for supervising and roll-calling
Team leader of clearance in Social Science Building A1(107.11.19~108.1.4, every Thursday)1Restricted to junior students, at lunchtime 12:30~13:00 responsible for supervising and roll-calling
Team leader of clearance in Social Science Building A1(107.11.19~108.1.4, every Friday)1Restricted to junior students, at lunchtime 12:30~13:00 responsible for supervising and roll-calling
Cadre of student association, captain of sports team, staff of economic camp  
Off-campus serviceability activities(restrict to servicing time from 107.7.1~108.1.5) Official certification is needed, and the service time must be at least 8 hours

*Suspend on Midterm week (107.11.5~107.11.9)
*Cadre of student association, sports team captains and staff of economic camp is restricted to the organizers of the activities. It is not for registration!