Mini Workshop: Behavioral Implications in Practice–11/6

臺大經濟系將於11月6日(星期一)上午,於臺大社科院419 會議室舉行 mini workshop: Behavioral Implications in Practice。
我們很榮幸邀請到新加坡國立大學何德華教授(Management Science 主編)擔任講評。

Dear All,
The Department of Economics at National Taiwan University will hold a mini-workshop on Monday 11/6, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. We have the great honor of welcoming Professor Teck Hua Ho (editor-in-chief of Management Science) from National University of Singapore, who will serve as discussant. Participation is welcome. 

Mini Workshop on “Behavioral Implications in Practice”
Date & Time:    Nov 6 (Monday), 10:00-12:00.
Venue:              Meeting room 419, Department of Economics, National Taiwan University
Discussant:  Prof. Teck Hua Ho, the senior deputy president and provost of the National University of Singapore, editor-in-chief of Management Science
Presenters:  1. Patrick DeJarnette (NTU) “Risky Choices over Goods”
                    2. Jian-Da Zhu (NTU)  “Pricing Strategy under Reference-
                       Dependent Preferences: Evidence from Sellers on StubHub”
                    3. Yu-Ping Chen (NTU) “Design of Long-term Conditional
                        Cash Transfer Program to Defeat Diabetes” (joint work with Chen-Nan Liao)
                    4. Wei-Shiun Chen (NTU) “The Effect of Information and Loss Aversion on Supply Chain Coordination”