高教深耕計劃系列演講- Professor John Fernald
高教深耕計劃系列演講- Professor John Fernald
日期:2019年5月22日 (三) 下午2:00 – 3:30
講題:World Productivity: 1995-2014
講者:Professor John Fernald, INSEAD and FRBSF
Professor John Fernald 為美國聯邦儲備銀行(FED)舊金山分行的資深研究顧問、歐洲工商管理學院(INSEAD)講座教授,在生產力方面的研究極富盛名,曾被華爾街日報稱爲 “The Fed’s Point Man on Productivity”。此次演講內容精采,報名從速!
We use a new normative growth-accounting framework to account for the sources of world GDP growth using data for 40 major economies and 36 industries from the World Input-Output Database from 1996 to 2014. We find that the contribution of productivity growth at the country-industry level to world GDP growth is relatively constant and that the recent productivity slowdown in industrialized countries is largely offset, at the world level, by productivity growth in emerging economies. Most of the fluctuations in world productivity growth are the result of shifts in the misallocation of labor across countries and industries. Using new data on PPP-based value-added measures by country and industry, we show that about a third of this shift in misallocation re flects employment growing in countries, most notably China and India, and industries that benefit from an international cost advantage in terms of deviations from PPP.
John Fernald is the Schroders Chaired Professor of European Competitiveness and Reform and a professor of economics at INSEAD. He is also a senior research adviser for international economics at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (on leave after August 2017). At INSEAD, Mr. Fernald teaches the macroeconomics core course in the MBA program and presents on the global macroeconomic environment for executives.
Mr. Fernald’s research focuses primarily on applied macroeconomics, U.S. and global productivity trends, and emerging Asia. This research has been regularly cited in the business and academic press. The Economist magazine called Mr. Fernald “…the foremost authority on American productivity figures,” and The Wall Street Journal described Mr. Fernald as “the Fed’s point man on productivity.”