第23屆太平洋科學大會 (6/17)


Session 5-7: Gender and Social Equity in the Public Sphere: From a Cross-Regional Perspective

時    間:2016.6.17 (五) 上午9:00-10:00

地    點:中央研究院學術活動中心二樓第四會議室

議    程:詳見附件「海報」與「議程表」

★ 不需事先報名,國內學者及學生憑證件免註冊費入場,歡迎參加 ★

Gender and Sexuality in Hair Saloons陳美華
Gazing into Malaysian Hakka Women’s Life of Labour: A Case Study of New Village張容嘉
The Strengths of Close Ties: Taiwan Online Entrepreneurship, Gender and Intersectionality梁穎暉 Wing-Fai Leun
Work-and-Family Conflicts in Taiwan: A Gender Perspective呂青湖 Ching-wu Lake Lui